Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gearing up for Chemo Monday

Teresa had a nice weekend with her family. Rob's dad turned 60 and she attended a dinner for him over in Indianapolis. She said she felt good and that it was nice to get to spend time with everyone.

Tomorrow is the big, "Double Down" day for T. She will get her second round of Taxol in addition to getting her first dose of Avastin. She is scheduled to start at 9:20 a.m. The treatment should last about 4 hours. Pray for this medicine to be effective in treating this. Pray for strength for Rob and Teresa along with the rest of the family. Pray that everyone stays healthy and that all of the medicines don't make her sick. Pray that she bounces back quickly after getting the treatment. Pray, pray, pray!

If you are on facebook, make sure you sign up for the Chemo Monday event which is just committing to praying for Teresa tomorrow especially.

1 comment:

  1. Teresa and Rob. Our thoughts, prayers, and love to you and the girls. David and Sheridan Hadley
