Monday, March 2, 2009

Today's Chemo-Calcium Update from Rob

I know a lot of people have read the blog today (thank you, Carrie S.), but I thought I would give an update. The morning started out with some great news. Her white blood count was above the cut off. However, her calcium was very high again. Terri, the nurse, talked with Dr. Gupta and he ordered Zometa. So, Teresa was able to get the chemo and the Zometa. We were lucky that Terri could dispense Zometa. Otherwise, we would have ended up at the hospital. We know if we went to the hospital that they would have admitted because of the critically high levels. Anyway, Teresa is at home and resting comfortably. We will have to keep a careful eye on her health. Last time she got the Zometa, she got a high fever. Terri told us that even knowing that she had that reaction last time, we still had to call if she gets a fever of 100.5 or higher. We also have to make sure that her heart does not start racing or if she starts to get any other symptons from the high calcium. That is what is so weird. She did not have the symptoms of high calcium and Dr. Gupta told us the chemo should kick in and help with the problem at her last appointment. Just thankful that we requested the calcium be checked. We are quickly learning that you have to be an advocate for yourself. We meet with Dr. Gupta on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. We will probably get her blood checked prior to the appointment to make sure the calcium is lower. On Thursday, we meet with Dr. Sutton at 2:00 p.m. He is a gynocological oncologist and will talk to us about getting her ovaries removed. By the removing her ovaries, all estrogen production will cease. This will help in the fight because estrogen is feeding the cancer.We know that you have to prepare for the unexpected and for every two steps forward, you take one step backward. We lucked out that she got to have chemo today. Please pray that the chemo starts to have the positive effect on the calcium and the cancer. We truly believe that all the prayers are working. We are blessed to have wonderful family and friends in our corner.Thank you!Rob

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