Monday, August 17, 2009

Back to School for the Ramey Family

A lot has been happening at the Ramey household the last few weeks. We went to King's Island for one last hurrah before school started. We had a great time and felt very fortunate to be able to go. Thank goodness for scooter rentals for me..... they help me get around on big outings, so I don't tire as easily. I've been feeling really good and always thank God for every day that I feel normal. I do get pretty tired and my legs feel like they weigh about 20 pounds each, but I'll take that with a smile. I'm so happy to be able to do my regular mom type of things. That's what I missed the most when I was feeling sick.

Rachel started 6th grade at Tuttle Middle School last week. She absolutely loves it and really likes all of her teachers. She is riding the bus this year to and from school, so she has to be ready to go at 7:10 a.m. That seems pretty early for us, but everyone is adjusting fine. Kendal has been getting up at 5:30 a.m. so she doesn't miss seeing Rachel in the morning. I told her she could sleep in a little later and still see her, but she doesn't buy it!!

Kendal has her preschool open house this week. She starts school next Monday. She will go three mornings a week. She is so excited about going to her school again. She loved it last year and learned so much.

Rachel starts soccer practice this week and Kendal should start her soccer practice soon. I am looking forward to watching them play. It will be interesting to see Rachel competing with seventh and eighth graders. It is a combined team of 6th - 8th girls. She is really excited about the upcoming season. This will be Kendal's first venture into competitive sports....... it should be a real hoot!!!

Please continue to pray for me and my family. Pray that my tumors do not grow and that the cancer stays contained in my liver. Pray that I continue to feel good, so that I can enjoy my family.

Thank you so much for all of the prayers and good wishes. I am very positive that is the reason I have been feeling so well. With God all things are possible. We are still praying for a miracle.



  1. Hi T., I found your blog through my daughter's soccer coach, your friend, Carrie Saunders. I have read about your family and your sitation. I just wanted you to know that during the strawberry festival my family was going through a difficult time. I saw you at the strawberry fest. and saw your smile. Your beautiful smile and I knew that if you could endure your trials with such faith and courage and strength and hope that I could surely endure such a minor inconvenience. I'm sure you have touched so many lives with your positive outlook and happy smile. Your family is so blessed to have such a noble woman of strength! You are in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and your family. Keep smiling!! love Candy Allen

  2. We are all thankful you have had a few weeks of ordinary life, and we are all praying that it will continue. Love you very much. Grandma Beeb
