Thursday, March 5, 2009

Latest News from Rob

We have had a busy two days with the visits to the doctors. However, we are pleased with where we are at. First, Dr. Gupta listened to our questions and gave us some answers.

1. Calcium was at 9.8. He is a perplexed by what is causing it to rise. Feels that it should go down with treatment. Will run additional tests if it rises in the future.

2. Duration of the treatments will be for as long as they are working and as long as her body can tolerate them.

3. Her white blood count is responding well to treatment. Dr. Gupta told her to get out and about. She does not have to worry about wearing a mask or anything.

4. He is helping with her sleep by adjusting her medicines. Especially, the steroids that she takes before chemo. He feels that they are causing her the problems on Monday nights.

5. We asked about the frequency of treatment and the perception that he is treating aggressively. He explained that with just Taxol and Avastin this is considered less aggressive. He said that aggressive would be two or three more types of chemo. With the additional chemo, she would have more severe side effects and the final outcome would not change.

6. Teresa asked about experimental treatment with crystals. He told us that is not out of the question, but that will be after the chemo stops having any influence.

7. On Monday, she will get a blood test that is used in checking the tumor markers. Hopefully, it will be below the baseline figure of 1300. If it is lower, that means the Taxol and Avastin are doing the job.

8. He explained that on weeks that she only receives Avastin she will feel better. The Taxol is the chemo that causes the fatigue, etc.

Doctor visit #2 = Thursday with Dr. Sutton, gynocological oncologist. He scheduled her to have her ovaries removed on Friday, March 13. This will have a positive affect because it will stop her from producing the estrogen which the cancer is feeding off. It will also send her immediately into menopause. The procedure will be done laparscopically. She has to go through the whole cleansing of the digestive tract beginning on Thursday morning. So, Teresa is not looking forward to the discomfort that will cause. In addition, she will spend the night in the hospital and be out of commission for approximately 2 weeks. She understands it is a necessary procedure. However, she is not looking forward to it at all. Dr. Sutton explained that she will not be able to take Avastin for a least one and probably two rounds. It has something to do with how Avastin chokes the blood supply to the damaged area and they want to make sure her incisions heal. The positive is that some doctors only remove the ovaries and do not give Avastin. So, it will not cause a major setback in the long run.

I know that I have said it before but we want to thank everyone for their continued prayers. It is our hope that we can get the cancer to stop growing and begin to shrink. It is our understanding that it will never totally disappear and the chances of spreading are high. We just want to get it under control so that she can get back to as "normal" as life as possible. The girls are tough kids but they miss their mom being her normal self. The love and affection that has been shown is overwhelming to us. If it has taught me anything, it will make me more of a giving person from now on. Like Joyce C. said this week, "God never gives us anything that he does not think we can handle."


Yesterday's Appointment

I talked to Teresa last night and here is what she gave me as far as info.
  • Calcium was down in the 9 range which is good.
  • Next week she will only have the Avastin so she should feel good next week.
  • Her WBC is not a concern and he told her that if she felt like it, to do whatever. Obviously avoid being around sick people but not to worry about going to the store or ball games.
  • Today she picked up Kendie at school for the first time in weeks.
  • Today she is meeting with Dr. Sutton in Indy to discuss the surgery to have her ovaries removed.
  • Next week, Dr. Gupta will do a test that will see how the cancer is responding to the chemo. That will be our big prayer for Monday!
  • He's pleased with her response to the chemo, physically. She has not been sick.

I will hopefully get more of an update from Rob later today when they get back from their appointment with Dr. Sutton.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Calcium is down; more info. tomorrow

Heading to an appointment with Dr. Gupta

Please be in prayer for Rob and Teresa this afternoon around 2:30 as they have an appointment with Dr. Gupta. They have a list of questions that they hope to get answers for regarding Teresa's diagnosis/prognosis. Also, please continue to pray that her calcium levels drop. She was pretty upbeat today and felt pretty good when I talked to her earlier.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No Fever Through the Night

I talked to Teresa's mom this morning. Teresa did not have a fever through the night. Thank you for your prayers. She did not sleep great but is resting now and will hopefully sleep today.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Today's Chemo-Calcium Update from Rob

I know a lot of people have read the blog today (thank you, Carrie S.), but I thought I would give an update. The morning started out with some great news. Her white blood count was above the cut off. However, her calcium was very high again. Terri, the nurse, talked with Dr. Gupta and he ordered Zometa. So, Teresa was able to get the chemo and the Zometa. We were lucky that Terri could dispense Zometa. Otherwise, we would have ended up at the hospital. We know if we went to the hospital that they would have admitted because of the critically high levels. Anyway, Teresa is at home and resting comfortably. We will have to keep a careful eye on her health. Last time she got the Zometa, she got a high fever. Terri told us that even knowing that she had that reaction last time, we still had to call if she gets a fever of 100.5 or higher. We also have to make sure that her heart does not start racing or if she starts to get any other symptons from the high calcium. That is what is so weird. She did not have the symptoms of high calcium and Dr. Gupta told us the chemo should kick in and help with the problem at her last appointment. Just thankful that we requested the calcium be checked. We are quickly learning that you have to be an advocate for yourself. We meet with Dr. Gupta on Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. We will probably get her blood checked prior to the appointment to make sure the calcium is lower. On Thursday, we meet with Dr. Sutton at 2:00 p.m. He is a gynocological oncologist and will talk to us about getting her ovaries removed. By the removing her ovaries, all estrogen production will cease. This will help in the fight because estrogen is feeding the cancer.We know that you have to prepare for the unexpected and for every two steps forward, you take one step backward. We lucked out that she got to have chemo today. Please pray that the chemo starts to have the positive effect on the calcium and the cancer. We truly believe that all the prayers are working. We are blessed to have wonderful family and friends in our corner.Thank you!Rob

Getting Chemo

Teresa is getting chemo and the doctors are trying to figure out how to get the calcium level down. The medicine that she gets each time this happens is supposed to last a month and so they can't give it to her again. They'll have to get it down another way. Pray it down!

White Blood Cell Count is okay, but...

her calcium is high again. At 14.3. They are starting the pre-meds to do chemo but are waiting to hear from the doctor to make sure. The nurse thinks they will go ahead with chemo. Will update as I know more. Pray for that calcium to go down!

Teresa's E-mail Address

Many of you have left comments for Teresa on the blog or on Facebook but some have asked about sending her a private note. With her permission, I am putting her email address on this blog and on facebook. She does read her emails, the blog and the facebook pages so I encourage you to send her notes of love and encouragement in whatever way but please know that she may not respond until she is feeling better. Thanks for your love and support of this wonderful family. Her email address is


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Prayer for T.

Dear Heavenly Father,

This morning as I woke up, as usual, one of the first people on my mind was Teresa. Lord, I thank You for keeping her fresh on my mind and here and now, I want to lift her up to You. First Lord, I thank You for being who You are. You are the God who created us, You know every thought, You hear every word; nothing is hidden from You. You know our pains, You know our sorrows. Most of all You love us, You forgive us. I come to You Lord with Teresa heavy on my mind and heart. I pray that You heal her. I pray that You make her strong in body and in spirit. I pray for her white blood cell count is at the perfect level for her to be able to get chemo in the morning. Let us not be discouraged if it is not. We know that You know what is best for her.

I pray for Rob, that You give him strength. Encourage him, Lord. Lift him up. Give him peace, patience, and calm through this situation.

I pray for Rachel. This is such a tough thing for a girl her age to go through. Keep her mind set on Your good and perfect works. Let her see Your love by the people loving and praying for her mom.

I pray for Kendie. Please continue to give her that spark that makes us all laugh and smile. Help her to sleep at night, help her to be good.

Be with T.'s mom and dad. Give them hope, encourage them, give them strength. This has to be so hard for them to see their daughter go through; wrap Your loving arms around them and lift them up.

Lord, I lift up the rest of the family; especially Teresa's grandmother, brother, Rob's parents, Rob's grandma and Rob's brothers and families; lift them up, encourage them, give them strength, rest so that they can effectively minister to Teresa.

Lord, we know that You are good and that You are good all of the time. We don't understand why this has happened to one that we love so much but we put our faith in You to take care of her. We ask for a miracle in healing. We thank You for giving her the peace that only You can give. We are thankful for her relationship with you Lord because without that, we would have no hope. Thank You for hope and thank You for the gift of eternal life through your son, Jesus.

In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.