Wednesday, January 23, 2013

PET Scan Results

I had a PET Scan on January 14th. We met with Dr. Martinez on January 16th to discuss the results. We were so happy and relieved to see that two of the tumors in my liver had completely resolved and the other one was considerably smaller. He said we could definitely say that the Y-90 treatments were a success! We met with Dr. Gupta yesterday and he was pleased with the results also. He thought it would be best if I had a break from chemo for awhile since I have been receiving treatments since June. I am going to take Arimidex orally everyday. It works to lower estrogen levels and is a sister drug to Femara. Since I had such good results with Femara in the past, we thought this drug was the best choice for me at this time. We remain cautiously optimistic that the cancer will not grow or spread for awhile, so that my body can get built back up for future treatments. We are so thankful for everyone's prayers. We truly believe in God's power and ability to heal. He gives us strength and hope. Please continue to pray for us as we are on this journey.