Friday, February 26, 2010

Brief Update

I just wanted everyone to know that everything is still going well at the Ramey household. Rachel is in the middle of her 6th grade basketball season and is really enjoying playing with her friends. Kendal continues to keep us entertained at home and is loving her hip-hop/jazz dance lessons. I am feeling fine. I am really thankful to be able to take the girls to their activities and enjoy watching them play/perform.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and concerns. My next scheduled tumor marker test is March 12th. I will get the results back on March 16th.

A quick update on my dad, Bob Denhart: Dad just finished week #3 of radiation treatment for his prostate cancer. He has to do it for 6 more weeks. He seems to be getting along really good with the treatments so far. Thankfully, he has only had pain a few times. Please continue to pray for him, too.