Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Spring!

I am so happy that Spring is here! I love to see the buds and blossoms on trees, green grass, and flowers popping up. It makes everything seem alive and renews my spirit.

I love playing outside with the girls. Everything is such an adventure with Kendal. She has a great imagination. We are counting down the days until we open up our pool for the season.

Kendal's birthday is next week. I can't believe my baby will be six years old. The time goes by so quickly.

We have been busy with Rachel's AAU basketball this spring. She is really enjoying it and absolutely loves spending time with the girls on team. It is a lot of fun for all of us.

I have been feeling good, but I am definitely ready for some warm, sunny weather. I am excited about getting our garden planted soon. It is a lot of work, but is really rewarding. The girls enjoy helping with it, too.

Only four more weeks until the girls are out of school for the summer. We are all looking forward to that. I love having them home!

My next doctor appointment is scheduled for June 21st. Dr. Gupta thought we should wait until after my 40th birthday. He said we better have a big celebration!

Thank you so much for your constant prayers and support. It means so much to us to have so many people keeping us in their thoughts. It has definitely made a difference.