Friday, March 13, 2009

One more update today

maybe more if needed...all went well. She is awake and groggy. Little bit of a sore throat. They are going to keep her over night just because it is late in the day. They did a calcium check and it was normal. Yay!!! So now we need to keep praying for her healing. This surgery will send her into menopause. So as if she didn't already have enough going on, now she has to deal with that. But she is not complaining. She is willing to do whatever it takes to beat this. She's a fighter and she has a lot to fight for. She has strong faith. She has people from all over the world praying for her. She's ready to face the next step in treatment and healing head on. So keep praying!

Surgery is over

All went well. She'll be in recovery for a couple of hours. No word on whether or not she'll get to come home tonight.

In Surgery Now

Teresa went into surgery at 1:15. Pray that this removal of the ovaries will help in stopping the cancer.

Surgery today

Today T. will have the surgery to have her ovaries removed. It was originally scheduled for 4ish this afternoon at St. Vincent's in Indy but they called and moved it up to whenever she got there. She left around 10. Pray for all to go well.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Don't be Discouraged

As we were given discouraging news yesterday, it is important for us to keep the faith and to not be discouraged. Teresa and family needs us now more than ever so I am asking that you continue to pray for a miracle in healing for Teresa.

Today she is not only trying to cope with yesterday's report, she is preparing for her surgery tomorrow. As of 7 am this morning, she cannot eat (other than clear liquids). Her surgery is not until tomorrow afternoon. The hours ahead are going to be long and painful as anyone who has prepped for a surgery knows; the process is not a fun one. I ask that you especially lift Teresa up today and tomorrow as she endures the pain of this process.

Please pray that she stays positive and encouraged. Pray that her strength is not knocked down by this surgery. Pray that she remains healthy otherwise. Pray that her calcium does not go dangerously high. Pray for Rob and the girls. Pray for the friends and family who love her so dearly.

I would like to encourage all of you to send her a note of encouragement. Leave a comment, write on the facebook wall, send her an email, send her a card. Let her know that you are thinking of her and praying for her.

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Latest News Regarding Tumor Markers

Teresa just got off the phone with Dr. Gupta. The conversation was not what we were hoping for. Her CA 27-29 report came back and her marker had increased from 1300 to 1600. He basically said that the Taxol was not doing its job and he was going to pull the big guns out with a strong regiment. So, beginning 7-10 days after surgery on Friday, she will begin with a combination of drugs that he called T.A.C. The T.A.C. will be given once every 3 weeks. Obviously, we are all upset about this news. She has been feeling good and we were hoping for a better report. Please keep her in your prayers. Tomorrow at 7:00 a.m she will start prepping for ovaries being removed on Friday. At this point, we can only hope and pray that the new drugs will work more effectively than the Taxol and that her body can withstand the treatments. Rob

Part 2 of Prayer Devotion

Here is the second part of the prayer devotion. Click here.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Devotion on Prayer

I felt led to share my devotion for today. It was on prayer. Click here to read.

Calcium is Creeping back up

I just got a report from Teresa. She is still feeling good. She just finished her treatment this morning however, her calcium has crept up from 9.6 to 10.6. It has been about every two weeks that it gets near that critical 14-15 level and the end of this week will be the end of the two weeks. She is scheduled to have her surgery to remove her ovaries this Friday so we need to be praying that the calcium level does not go up.

In other news, she will not have the results of the tumor marker blood work until the end of Wednesday.

Pray for her to rest well today and for that calcium to go down and stay down!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Teresa is doing well

I thought I would let you know that Teresa has had some great days. On Thursday, she picked up Kendie at school. Then on Friday, she took Rachel to and from school. She sat outside while the kids played. She was up and about and feeling really good. Rachel had a basketball tourney in Salem yesterday. She was not sure she was going to go but decided that if on Saturday morning she felt as well as she did Friday then she would go. She did go to the tourney. As of last report Saturday afternoon, she held up well during the day and was glad she went.

Remember to pray:
  • for her calcium to stay down
  • for the blood test tomorrow to show that the chemo has been effective
  • for her to continue to feel good
  • for good rest and sleep
  • for her to stay healthy